Life is about two things: loving and learning


So...that guy who got my number on the dance floor....

...he used it. Yesterday, last night he texted me. I'm not sure that I'm at all excited about this. Now I wasn't particularly excited when we danced in the first place. Mostly cause he didn't particularly know what he was doing. So yeah...but he sent me a text yesterday asking me how things were going and all that jazz. We talked fairly sporadically from about 3 til like 8ish. It was like pulling teeth, and I was pretty glad we weren't communicating via the phone....cause that could've been painful. He's getting his masters in counseling and he's currently a youth counselor. He was saying he does all kinds...but I wasn't buying that. He essentially said that he had like a perfect journey to counseling...and that he feels it's his God-given profession. I was just not moved...and I don't know if he really is boring to me, or i'm still sore over the fact that Stan is the person I was hoping to have made a connection with. I don't know. But I do was weird that after our 2 hours later he texted me saying it was nice that I asked him questions, and the "session" was good, and it was "refreshing" to have someone ask him questions....wtfrick?!? what is this "session"...and this morning he texted me wishing me a good day...I just don't know...what's wrong with me?!? I think i was set up for failure with guys. Things began so perfectly that first time...I just keep hoping and wanting and expecting that that'll be that way for all future potential experiences...and those that aren't I'm not concerned with. Could I potentially be blocking myself from my "Mister" b/c of that?!?

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