Life is about two things: loving and learning


So pretty much I suck at life...

...and that's sad. I'm definitely sure that before, during break I had this idea...I had actually created a story in my head...which I am prone to do....quite often actually. It's my internal gap-filling....when I don't have real answers or reasons or whatever, I take whatever evidence I do have and create a story that makes sense to me...or that is maybe secretly what I want the reality to be....either way....a little bit 2-3 weeks before school let out for Christmas, I got a text from Kenny. It was weird...'cause I hadn't seen Kenny since my graduation day, and I hadn't spoken to Kenny since he left UTA, like 2 years much to my surprise in his text he's asking me how I am and how life is and such. So I text back....and he doesn't say anything....until like 3-4 weeks later when I'm at home. He's asking me about my program at UGA and stuff and how I like it. Of course, all of this is via text message, so it's like super difficult and a bit irritating. So I give him like 4-5 texts full of info and I say it's hard to talk about the program via text, but if he has specific questions I'll answer them. He responds back suggesting we get together for lunch or whatever to discuss the program of course now i go to creating the motive or the middle story....the thing that connects the random initial text and then connects this sudden interest in CSAA....clearly one other than the one he already gave me...which is that he is looking into a program...right?!? Yeah, so Ebonii says, most undoubtedly b/c Ebonii desperately wants some sort of attention from males in general....that he totally doesn't completely care about CSAA and the like...he really is just using that as an excuse to hang out with me. he doesn't text me back the whole friggin' again I continued with my story. Then I have dinner with Eleanor and he sends me a text message asking me when i'm going back to I use that as a jump off and I started telling her about random people that had popped up, and I started with's just too easy to start there, 'cause he still sends me texts and I haven't figured out why, 'cause he rarely replies to them and he doesn't seem to actually awnt to talk to me...anyway....of course, really I was looking for an excuse to tell someone about Kenny (who knew him, 'cause before that I told Kendra and when I was like "right, like he really wants to talk about the program..." she was all like, "why wouldn't he want to talk about it?!?" and I'm like "...oh...huh?!?") so they could validate my story....well Eleanor does what I need her to do, and she's like Kenny never sends text messages and he never communicates with people, so he must be ready to settle down and he remembered that you were a good catch and he's comin' back to claim you....Her words, not I'm like after that night...I tell him that I'd be leaving the next day and he says I'm like ok...whatever...and then today he calls. I'm like "Kenny" my head....actually it was out loud, but I live it was one of those exclamations that wouldn't have been audible were others around...anyway...he calls and what does he want to discuss?!? Graduate programs in student affairs....I fail...and I know not of what I assume I do. Namely...I don't know squat about dudes...and reading between lines...especially via text message....probably mostly 'cause there are no lines to read between. Ah, fail...anyway...he says he had to leave and he'll call again this weekend to inquire further. Giant fail. was a nice thought and lovely story while it existed in my head....

....oh my no....I forgot to mention the boss man interaction from earlier.....that must wait....I'm pretending as though I don't have to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow.....except for that I do. .....TBC...

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