Life is about two things: loving and learning


Different Perspective



Psalm 25:4-10

The highway that winds around the southern shore of Lake Michigan can be tracherous in the winter. One weekend as we were driving back to Grand Rapids from Chicago, a buildup of snow and ice slowed traffic, caused numerous accidents, and almost doubled our drive time. We were relieved as we eased off the expressway onoour final road. It was then that my husband said out loud, Thanks Lord, I think I can take it from here."
   Just as he finished saying the words, our car spun around 180 degrees. As we came to a stop, hearts pounding, we could just imagine God saying: "Are you sure?"
   Why do we sometimes try to go it alone in life when at every moment we have access to God? He said: "I am with you and will keep you wherever you go" (Gen. 28:15). And He assures us: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb. 13:5).
   Scottish mathematician, theologian, and preacher Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) wrote: "When I walk by the wayside, He is along with me. When I enter into company, amid all my forgetfulness of Him, He never forgets me....Go where I will, He tends me, and watches me, and cares for me."
   What a comfort to know that God is always with us - we don't need to go through life alone!
                                                                                                         - Cindy Hess Kasper

This was the reading from my Daily Bread today. It is funny and interesting and much needed all at the same time. Definitely, in my last entry I was whining about how I saw all these other people on facebook who are totally engaged or hooked up. And it's interesting how in general as I've continued through life (romantic and just regular life) I keep trying to do everything on my own. That's one of my biggest vices. I don't let people in, and additionally I don't allow God to be the captain of my ship. As I've gotten older and matured I've definitely recognized how much better life is when I'm not attempting to live by my own I tried to explain to Aaron that it's amazing how when you stop trying to do it all, and truly allow God to lead the way, doors just begin opening up. Of course as a God-follower, you will still run up against trials, but with Him you will have the strength to make it through, and with Him you will travel down the path that has been set for you. I've said it before (not here of course) but I've always found it much easier to trust God to guide me towards my non-love life destination...I fought at first with the whole med school thing, but there's never been a doubt in my mind about not having a work path, or having somewhere to work....but I've always been frightened and hesitant to trust Him about me and love. And even though in deed I'm not trying to 'blaze my own trail' and do things my thought I'm freakin' 'Doubting Didymous' and on top of that post the MW show, I feel like I've grown a lot and that I'm so ready for my Mr. Forever. And even though I'm not saying a word, I'm thinking plenty....and that's me stuck in my own way....that's me saying "I can take it from here"..... today's message was so important. I know trials will come....but I don't want the ones I do encounter be results of my 180 degree turn from saying "I got this". easy and yet so completely difficult. I dunno.

Lord God me, and lead me in the way that I should go. Harden not my heart so that I will do nothing short of Your will. In your precious son's name Jesus I pray.


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