Life is about two things: loving and learning


The Wisdom of Cosmopolitan

Alright so, totally gotta stop this. 3 posts in one That's what happens though when you're in the house all day bored and perusing the web.

So looking at a variety of articles on the Cosmopolitan such article says:

"Women get serious when they meet the right man. Men get serious with whomever we happen to be dating when we're finally ready to settle down."
--- How depressing is that?!? That is the least helpful bit of advice ever!

Additionally con mi mama we're looking at Cosmo's eligible bachelors of 2009....only 4 of 52 were remotely attractive btw...and yeah...mama's sayin' crap about other articles that are on here about how to successfully get to a second date and all that jazz and we notice that the guys in the round-up have their emails listed...and I could feel this dark....well mildly gray cloud..... rise over me. 1) why should I read an article about successfully procuring a second date when I can't even manage to get a 1st....and 2) if they're email addresses are included and they look as fierce as they do...I'm sure they have like 15-thousand of chicks hitting them up and I'm probably not a prime contender....

ok pause. that really makes it sound like I am low in the self-esteem writing, hearing and re-reading that says, "self, you sound down about you." Well I'm not...I'm a solid 6-7 on a 10 scale...and when I wanna be, I am a friggin' 8.8. But I do know dudes...and especially after reading all these articles in the Cosmos and the Glamours...and even in books (e.g. He's just not that into you)...a key part of dating unfortunately is sex. "52% of American men say that good, regular sex is crucial in a relationship." Sex.....and that with me, right now, just ain't gonna happen. And an additional unfortune is that that's generally a turn off for the typical 25-27 year old guy...who is definitely what I'm shopping for. arrrggg....Just in conversation with my guy friends, and even some of my girl friends...they think it's absurd to go without....and even though I'm not sayin' without forever, just without until marriage....for most everyone I speak with that seems like FOREVER (in all caps) to them. Yet another wrench in my dating plans....

continue...actually no...I shan't....I'm gonna for real go and watch a movie. Get in the bed. Bundled under my snuggie. With my teddy. bear that is.

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