Life is about two things: loving and learning


Is it their age...or is it more about race

I often wonder if there's something about the race of a guy that determinies his readiness for a longterm committed relationship...I used to think it was only the age thing...but now I'm sure it's like an amalgamation of age and race and upbringing/family life and timing I guess....I don't know...but one of my bestest friends, Brittany has definitely been in a relationship for just under a year. I think this month will make a year (not completely sure b/c it ain't my relationship and I'm not sure if they count the entire "pre exclusive" part as a part of this year or not) this almost year, it is already understood that their next stop is marriage. Period. I'm pretty sure I did that dance...for two years and that ended in...actually i'm not gonna finish that ended...and that's what's most right so, the difference between Brittany and her bf and me and my then bf is that me and mine are black and she and hers are white.

So's time to do some personal research...polling the audience.

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