Life is about two things: loving and learning


I want to send a message...

...but I'm more than terrified to do it. It's not a big deal I don't's just a simple message...but it really is a big deal. What if he doesn't respond? What if he thinks I'm a freak/loser/weirdo...what if I'm more than wrong about his relationship status and I go off and do something more than stupid? Arg...this would be so much easier if...I dunno he were to actually send me a message instead...I'm dreaming this I know...but come one...does a girl always have to reach out. would be infinitely easier if we were to be in the same place at the same time and no technology was necessary. That's actually the optimal situation. Ugh...I kinda had a message planned out a little bit...but then I looked at his fb page and ex-gf definitely has left comments on his wall and she's commented on some of his statuses. So...I don't know what to make of that. Does that just mean that they are good friends still...or does that mean that they might re-start something? Or have they already? All questions which technically could be answered if I were to send the dang blasted message...but potentially not in the event that he doesn't actually respond...b/c he could not respond b/c he's with homie-g...or who could not respond just because he's not

I guess I should shut up about it b/c we all know that I am not going to actually do anything slash make a move or anything. Ah...woe is me who is a coward.

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