Life is about two things: loving and learning


Long time no speak....nothing too new to report

It's been 2 solid years since I last visited my blog...I so would like to say that it's because I've been living my very own romantic comedy, but it's just not so.

There are probably more things that have happened in the past 2 years than I even remember to comment I won't even try.

Non-singleness related things have occurred and those have been cool:

1) I bought a condo
2) I finished my book - I'm working on query letters at present
3) I started a new job. I work at SMU now as an Academic Advisor
4) I started another grad program. MS in Counseling
5) I joined 2 community bands
6) I am now a Teaching Artist for Dancing Classrooms of North Texas (AMAZING)

I think that's about it.

On the guy front...or project hubby hunt...I'm falling short...not that I've been doing a huge amount of 'putting myself out there.' Life's a struggle.

Let's see...highlights....

1) BG is....he just some point say in like early September we had a conversation where I think what I learned was that I am squarely in the friend-zone and despite behaviors (on his end) that have hinted otherwise, I've always been there because....drum roll please....he's still kinda attached or struggling with releasing slash being released from his most recent ex-girlfriend. Isn't that freaking magical?!? Punch. I'm an idiot who should listen to her gut a little (lotta bit) more.

2) J. Silva took me to his military ball and it was fun and then life got weird when he told me that I was beautiful and he wanted to get to know me better....think about how that could go and then it did and it sucks because I'm not attracted to him. I shamed myself because I led him on for a night because I selfishly just wanted/appreciated the attention...but...there is no but...that 'friendship' is probably broken.

3) I became friends with a navy guy that I thought was just an interesting world traveler. Come to find out he's like old (40) and married.....totally inappropriate. We've had a drink on occasion but despite my dangerous behavior, I'm not an idiot or that girl so we don't talk about anything substantive and 1 drink is as much as I'll let him buy me. I will say he needs to get his life under control. He's in general inappropriate and probably has no trouble cheating on his wife.

4) I went speed dating - that was the most uninteresting way. I met and chatted with 8 guys....8 duds. Bitter divorcee, socially awkward underachiever, beer/liquor guy who was actually nice but not the one for me, introverted lawyer, supposed movie-lover ex-engineer, UNT regular speed-dater, nervous chuckler project manager, and the Colorado traveler. It was certainly an experience that while it had me more anxious than I knew how to cope it didn't really yield any of the emotions I was hoping for. After I saw all the options I was just deflated.

5) 2 of my ex-students are incidentally trying doesn't realize it...he's just very handsome, but oh so little (just turned 21) and the other...I think what he's doing is very intentional...he will call like once every two weeks just to shoot the breeze. I appreciate the 'just cause' call b/c that's not real in any other context....but I wish it wasn't him that was doing the 'just cause' calling. :(

6) Looks-wise I was momentarily attracted to the new pastor at church. He's in the age range and has the look, but he showed himself unreliable and too many other's are all into him...he's got hype that that ship had no choice but to sail

7) Good geez....I forgot the most uncomfortable experience ever....I went on an accidental date with one of the ADs at work. I thought we were doing a co-worker outing to the Opera...actually there's a long story to it...I thought he was giving me tickets, but then it turned out he was actually asking me out. Good geez...then while we're out he held my hand and tried to kiss was altogether uncomfortable and just wrong. I avoided him for like a month and then eventually he apologized and I still stayed distant and things got back to normal. Here recently he's starting to get a little too close during conversations so...we'll keep our eyes peeled.

I think that's been all that's quasi important. A new year is almost upon us so we shall see what 2014 will hold.