Life is about two things: loving and learning


So, I'm not sure what to think...

...I looked at myself in the mirror today and running the risk of sounding a bit conceited, I will say I am quite pretty. There was definitely a time when that word wasn't even close to being in my vocabulary. I hated the look of my face, my hair, my eyes, my nose, my everything. But I've definitely had a metamorphosis and the me I am at present is a happier, more pleasant and appreciative of the person she sees in the mirror each morning. With all that said...I have to stop and wonder...what the h am I doing wandering around this place called Earth all by my lonesome? I have a pretty good head on my shoulders; I'm pretty rational. I've been told I'm comical. I have goals and follow through. I am sweet, loyal and genuine. I feel like in general I have some awesome qualities and they're all wrapped in a nice's all I have..."so...yeah"

I suppose...I guess I can go ahead and review the rest of the BG files. I ended with November 2011. Um, that's all that happened then. He ended the once a month viewing in October. Nothing happened in November.

December 2011

It started off in a good place. The first 2 weeks were top notch. It was a reprise of September. He was on it. I got calls pretty regularly like every other day. There were no call backs, but there were apologies. He called while I was at work and we spoke and it was just good. He'd told me in plain English, "I want to see you", but unfortunately that did not actually result in a visit. But still, calls and contact. That ended December 16th. He spotified again and the last time we spoke was December 30th when again he asks "when am I going to see you?" and I say to him, "whenever you make time to see me". He said he wanted to see me before the break was is January 4th. My break was over technically on January 2nd. Big ball of confusion.

So now I'm back to...I'm not quite sure what to think.