Life is about two things: loving and learning


So...a lot of life has happened since August....

...nothing about that title should say complete positive forward progress...but events nonetheless should be conveyed. I shan't recount all of them because in all honesty I've done that in another blog personal journal. Here's the quick and dirty.

August 2011

Late in the month I found some gumption and I made a deal with myself to try again but try not hoping for anything remotely romantic but purely platonic or non-existent. I prepared for nothing. I sent another message and this time I included a phone number. Our conversations begin.

September 2011

Great month. We spoke pretty regularly via text and then eventually via phone. There was visual contact...that's worded oddly...he came over my mom's house and our families had dinner. We had some brief alone time picking up some rolls from Texas Roadhouse. It was good. He appreciated my shoe strings. I was smitten. Probably, definitely prematurely.

October 2011

He gets weird. After a month of steady forward progression, at the start of October he gets spotty. He called one night at work and I went to return the call. He responds not. I try again and this is the first time (not to be the last) that he again does not respond. I don't hear from him until Sunday (he called on a Thursday)...and he seemed so nonchalant about it all. This month I began charting our contact cycle (I'm doing too much, probably, but it is what it is). I conveniently  became a once a week person. Generally on Thursdays. He'd text during the early part of the day and complete the day with a very brief phone conversation that ended prematurely with a "lemme call you back" and no call back. I eventually call him out on that line because it's annoying and bothers me (mature points for me)...and he changes once. My birthday of course was at the close of the month...and despite his hot/coldness we actually saw each other that weekend ( It was actually quite awesome. I gave him a salsa dance lesson. We spent some really supremely awesome time at the lake ...there was some flirting and it seemed like mutual attraction. He came back to the house where the family was celebrating and stayed for a while. The culmination of the night came with a piggy back ride to his car and then yeah...the following day we had a couple's massage (no one saw the others nakedness) and good conversation post massage. Fin.

November 2011

So this month started...and I can't say that anything awesome happened. We're back to spotty conversation and my Thursday date has been moved to like Wednesday for a bit and then to any other random day. I don't get texts anymore and everything seems completely screwed up. We are g-chat friends and those conversations happen occasionally...which I guess one could say replace the texting business...but smh. I don't get him like at all. I had a conversation with him about the two hims I experience in hopes to see an actual change. He even made a bold statement and said he was going to come visit to get his next dance lesson. I actually got excited and cooked food (which I told him I would if he were to come visit)...but then he didn't call or g-chat and it sucked. Um...his birthday came...couldn't celebrate it because I had work. Tried to make it up to him but he blew me off. Which brings me to present. He called Friday and we addressed me saying he blows me off often...because he apparently disagrees. He ends the call with the infamous "lemme call you back". It is Sunday and I've not heard from him. Of our conversations he claims he's going to come visit me at my apartment...but that comment had already been made and nothing came of it so I'm more than skeptical.

There's still time in the month to see him to make our once a month in-person meeting cycle complete...but I's funny...I saw him at the end of September, October and potentially if he makes a move this week...then November too. I am just as confused about him now as I was before. I have a ton of lingering questions I want to ask him in person...but since that never happens who knows if they'll ever get answered. Also...I don't know how he thinks of me...and I'd really love to know that so I can know how to proceed. His actions send mixed I'm at a loss. With him it's 1 step forward 2 steps back. 2 steps forward 5 steps back. So inconsistent. And aren't I the queen of consistency?!? Why yes, yes I am.

I'm definitely 26...and still friggin' single and trying not to get caught up in this hot sweaty mess of a non-courtship....